Member Name Ashley Minecraft Username Crazykilla3321 Which server were you banned on? Factions Why were you banned from this server? I got banned on the factions server for scamming a person for money. I didnt know scamming wasnt allowed. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I think i should get another chance on the server because i really enjoy the server and i donated over $100 so please take this under consideration please
Hello. Rule6: no scamming donor ranks this will result in a global ban. explain why scamming ranks is a bad thing and i might consider accepting the appeal If you do not reply to this in 24 hours you will no longer be able to send a ban appeal. This is the third one that you send, and each one was denied due to lack of response.
Rejected due to lack of response @Crazykilla3321 . Because this is the third appeal that has not been responded to, all future appeals will be denied. Goodbye