Member Name CoffeOXTheNoob Minecraft Username CoffeOX Which server were you banned on? Factions Why were you banned from this server? It was beacuse i wrote an inappropriate link in open chat (youtube) Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? Beacuse it was not meant to be in public chat i promise i will never do it again ! and it was meant to kiers2002 and blue___mushroom as a joke, And i did't know that the age-limit was 13. really love this server and i hope i deserve a another chance. Thanks //CoffeOX
and the billion ban evades? Your link wasn't direct porn, but porn related and 18+. Don't link those thinks on AEM, it isn't the place. promise to never link again, and never ban evade again and i'll unban you. Speaking of ban evades. which of those do you need unbanned as well?