Member Name Cody Zimmer Minecraft Username STAMPYxcxx Which server were you banned on? Global Why were you banned from this server? I was banned because I said to someone that I would send a swat team to their house. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I believe I deserve another chance because I swear not to do anything of that sort again, and that I was just having a moment. I am very sorry and I am going to take responsibilities for my actions.
Thank you for filing a ban appeal. I appreciate your honesty here, but you can't really say things like that to people. What you said is technically illegal. How can we be sure that something like this won't happen again when you are arguing with someone you don't like?
I am very sorry for my actions,but i believe that I deserve a second chance because I can defiantly assure you that it will not happen again, I was just mad because he said some hurtful words about my friend and i was standing up. I promise that i will never do anything to hurt AEM again, it is my life and so are the people on it. I will not do anything like that again. I wouldn't mind if you just banned me from kitpvp to make sure i don't do anything like that again on there, but I still want to be apart of AEM. I love your skyblock server and the people on it. However it is a better environment for me than kitpvp, and that is fine. But i feel that I deserve a second chance to prove who really I can be, and i swear on my life and i swear to you jerkel, that i will NEVER hurt aem like that again.
I also realize that it was not a very good thing to say, and I am truly sorry, if you would like, I will personally apologize to the player Travels, who I yelled at. I realize it can be illegal, but also, I didn't mean it in that way completely, I was just trying to make him stop saying these nasty things about my friend.
Alright, I'll accept your appeal, but it will be flagged as denied and reset your ban to a temp ban for a total ban time of one week with time served counted. So you will be automatically unbanned on Friday.