Member Name codeman9001 Minecraft Username codeman9001 Which server were you banned on? Factions Why were you banned from this server? i was globaly banned for having a alt of yomamason, and I was not able to send a ban appeal so I asked thefightingtaco to help me get yomamason unbanned from kitpvp and then he banned me on codeman9001 and my alt yomamason. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I think I should get another chance because I was banned for no reason. I was banned for asking for help, so I think that is the dumbest thing to get banned over. that is y I think codeman9001 and yomamason should be unbanned
When you came to me all you said was can you unban my alt yomamason. You never once mentioned to me that you could not make an appeal for that account, you just keep insisting that I unban yomamason. From what I see yomamason was banned for hacks on kitpvp, and for all I know you could be hacking on this account as well. Now, I banned you for ban evasion because when I asked if you had been on kitpvp and you said no, I contacted an admin who was on kitpvp earlier and they said you were on. So whether they were mistaken or not I could not have taken any chances. So this ban was not in vain and you were not banned for "no reason". I will consider this appeal if you can tell me why its wrong to on a server that you (your alt) may be banned on with another account. And why we have rules in place to stop and administer punishment for those who break this rule. Please respond within 24 hours.