Member Name Click_FTW Minecraft Username Click_FTW Which server were you banned on? Minigames Why were you banned from this server? Firs of all i dont know if minigames equals all the servers. But im perma banned right now from aem. I said a server name only ONCE. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? Because I have been banned for maybe over 3 months now from saying one other server name. Im not trying to advertise in this appeal but the server I said was Hypixel I just dont think it is right to perma ban me from saying one server name once at least a temp ban for like a week. I really do apologize i have had great times on aem. I also donated one hundred and twenty five dollars on aem kit pvp. So since I am a donator I dont think I should be perma banned. Thanks for reading -Click
first off: being a donor doesnt protect you from being banned, be it globally or on a single server, temporarily or permanently as for the appeal: we do take advertising seriously. theres reasons we have that rule in place. if you can tell me why we have that rule in place and why it is bad to advertise on a server in general i might consider this appeal. please respond within 24h @Click_FTW
Ok I understand your reply but Ive learned my lesson from being banned for 3 moths pls i know it was really wrong.
please elaborate: 1. why do you think we have a no advertising rule in place / why is it bad to advertise a different server
exactly. i will accept your appeal. respect the rules in future if you are unsure about them do /rules again. when still in doubt about certain things dont hesitate to consider staff. welcome back i guess