Member Name cjmichigan2009 Minecraft Username cjmichigan2009 Which server were you banned on? SkyWars Why were you banned from this server? Advertising Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? Well, the first time they kicked me for 2 days was simply because I said "I come from the distant lands of MCPVP" and the mod was like say it again and im kicking you. So I said, "Why can't I say i'm from MCPVP?" and then he banned me for 2 days. Yesterday, I will admit I was a little over my headin the chat, still kinda mad that I was banned from my second favorite server in the world from. So me and my friend, Shady_Rage were playing skywars again. Not going to lie, I said flat out thatMCPVP was better than AEM and I know that deserved a ban, but I have been playing AEM for a while now and I hope you guys can recognize that I deserve another chance. Thanks guys, -CJ