Member Name Charlotte Minecraft Username Xpinknightmar3X Which server were you banned on? Creative Why were you banned from this server? I dont know i was trapped by zRINNE and he killed me and took all my stuff i had like armour and stuff like that. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? because i did nothing wrong he was killing people for stuff i saw him do it to another guy
Member Name Charlotte Minecraft Username A_MILKY_BREW Which server were you banned on? Creative Why were you banned from this server? Xpinknightmar3X was bannd and im her boyfriend she had no reason to be banned she was trapped in a box by some guy and was killed he took her stuff i was there she then got banned from the server Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? i think she does because she was happily building and got teleported she did nothing wrong
I was there when it happened, the person who put her in the sphere was @aCookieGod (Admin) as I saw her flying around when we were on someones plot. I saw her wearing the OP boots similar to what we were destroying and told her to let me see the boots, she did not respond so we put her in a sphere and killed her. She then started swearing non-stop at me saying I had no rights and such when she was found having Illegal items. Explain again on why you deserve another chance. She was clearly flying around us and not building at that time. She did do something wrong, as long as those illegal items are in her possession. I'm going to edit this in: Use your own account to post ban appeal. If you're Xpinknightmar3X then use this account to do a ban appeal, don't use A_MILKY_BREW to do another appeal. In short, Use your own account.
If you have illegal items, and you're refusing to listen to 3-4 staff members to give us the items. What makes you think you should be able to play again? You and your friend were causing so much trouble, you could've just gave us the items instead of forcing me to take it from you.
Member Name Charlotte Minecraft Username Xpinknightmar3X Which server were you banned on? Creative Why were you banned from this server? I don't know why :'( Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? Because I didn't do anything wrong :'(
i didnt mean to the ones before this one said they didnt send so i sent another one and it said it sent?
the thing is is that my sister uses my account to i am the real charlotte talking to you now i have no idea what is going on she must of been on the server yesterday. i have just come on today and logged on seeing that I'm banned i have no idea whats happening i just want you to know that me, charlotte didn't do anything it was my sister tara i don't see why i should be punished after something she did which i am very sorry for what she has caused, i know that if you were to let me back on i wouldnt let tara on my minecraft i was away yesterday so i had no idea what was going on. sorry once again.
i know i shouldnt comment more than once but i was just wondering whats happened with my plot i have spend a good amount of time on that plot and i just wanted to know if youve got rid of it im very upset at the moment as i have to deal with the concequences of my sisters actions that i had no word in at all. sorry ill leave now have a nice day.
As for your sister using your account, you are still held responsible for it. We can't tell if it's you, your sister or your pet goldfish.
If you don't want to believe me then its up to you but at the end of the day i did not do this it was my sister but I'm not going to argue over minecraft i dont see the point anymore. if you dont believe me then fine go about your normal day and forget about me.
and to be honest i dont even know what OP boots are so? are they like hacked or something? because when i logged in i always see stuff like fireworks and stuff in my invintory and just assumed nothing and just carried on are fireworks bad to have aswell? because ive seen almost eveyone use them? just wondering x
Please can you just give me a second chance if i do anything wrong again you can permanently ban me? i know that whatever my sister did i would never do she's 14 and I'm 16 . You know like follow me and see what I'm doing or something i don't know i just feel like everyone deserves another chance at things, and plus my boyfriend and I play on this server and vote all the time i just dont see how i have to deal with the consequences of other peoples actions. I have told my mum about this incident and she said to me that my sister isn't allowed on my mine craft anymore so i can insure you that this will not happen again i can promise. I have lots of friends on this server and the one time my sister goes on this server she gets me banned and i can no longer talk to them. I know I'm sorry I'm complaining to much i just want to come to an agreement with you witch makes us both happy. I never did anything to deserve this. I am sincerly sorry about all this and how much trouble she's caused i hope we can come to an agreement. But you know like i said its only minecraft at the end of the day. Ill just carry on with my perfectly boring life. Have a good day. (Sorry for the ramble and messages its that i want to get this sorted because I'm fed up with arguing and stuffs going on at home.)
Even if it wasn't you in your account that day, you still hold responsible for all actions under your In game name. As @Pip Xanadu has said. You have to first understand that before we can proceed.
Good, so you still take responsibility for whoever used your account back then. I am willing to accept this appeal if you promise not to have any illegal items in your possession. Even if you were given it, you're not allowed to have it. (Destroy it) Please make sure this doesn't happen again. Do not break any rules.
If I recall correctly they usually are hacked client boots and swords that gives like 500% speed and stuff that's not in vanilla minecraft's enchanting