Member Name Caps Minecraft Username 2Capslock2 Which server were you banned on? SkyWars Why were you banned from this server? ''Could not do .help in chat'' Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? Evan Yoshi asked me to do '' .help '' in the chat. I did and now i basically got banned for doing it. I would want an explanation for this
Hey Capslock. If you believe you were wrongly banned, you can prove your innocence by posting your .minecraft + versions + mods folder with the modification date. Do not crop the screenshots.
The reason why you were banned was because you couldn't do it in chat. Also, we need versions, .minecraft and mods folder, all uncropped so that we can see time, date, and modification date
show me new screen shots of your versions and .minecraft folder and I need to see your date and time. Basically take a screenshot of your ENTIRE computer screen
I am going to ask you one more time. NO CROPPING THE PICTURES! I need to see the time and date on your computer. You have 24 hours to show me new screenshots of your versions and .minecraft folder.