Member Name CannabisCookie Minecraft Username CannabisCookie Which server were you banned on? KitPvP Why were you banned from this server? I posted one link and you ban me? it wasnt even a bad link it was a link about why my best fucking friend on the server was banned and All i asked was for you to talk to me about why he was banned and not just ignore me i didnt even swear at anyone i didnt show disrespect to anyone i was just mad in general and if anyone beside thug and taco can reply to this or talk to me please do im sick of them just deny it with out even replying Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I deserve another chance because what i did wasn't even wrong i posted a link a link saying why someone was banned i didn't do anything, Please someone else beside those 2 that would be grateful, thankyou
Going to link this here for staff reference:
The link is archived for staff reference/use. Don't worry about it too much. I don't have any information relating to your ban it's why I'm not going to try to handle it. Majority of staff on AEM is from the USA. So give them a bit. At the current moment of this posting it's 4:46 AM Eastern Standard Time, so earliest staff in the USA is at 1:46 AM Pacific Standard Time. So might be some asleep that handle the PVP servers.
@Pip Xanadu Please maybe try get in contact with @Volkrot he doesn't seem to be answering me and i would like to state my defense before my ban applie is automatically denied like my last one, if you need any information about the ban please ask me
@AlexM850 alex, i would really like it if you could have your input on this and let me explain and not automatically siding with taco and thug. Please do reply or any higher staff please do.
after looking into logs i didnt see you said anything disrespectfull, only the man up part but thats hardly anything so i will accept this appeal