Member Name CampinKillz Minecraft Username DrachenFire02 Which server were you banned on? Factions Why were you banned from this server? "Xray" I will admit I did have a Clear Texture pack. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I believe I deserve another chance because, I will not do it again Delete/Clear Out the texture pack, And will continue to play and Have fun. I am Truly Sorry about it and it won't happen again.
Please do include your mods and version ( do not crop ) Explain why you're not allowed to use hacks/unfair advantage, also do promise to follow all rules in every server. You have been banned twice before, this makes the third. If you get banned again, you may not be given another chance. This appeal may or may not be accepted, it's up to @fats to decide as he is the original banner. If you fail to prove to us that you have learnt your mistakes then you will not be given another chance (If accepted) You said you wouldn't do it again but what about the previous 2 bans? Please do convince us that you deserve another chance. Then again, this is entirely up to Fats_x to decide, this is just my opinion on.