Member Name cami Minecraft Username Angie418 Which server were you banned on? SkyWars Why were you banned from this server? It says I was banned for advertisement. Plus I was banned from the entire server, but I mainly go on skywars and thats what i put for "which server were you banned on" Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I don't even know why I was banned! I don't recall ever advertising for any other server or anything like that! Now I can't play with any of my friends anymore, but if I get unbanned, i'll make sure that i dont advertise anything.
Hello there @cami Please explain why advertising or mentioning another server in main chat/private chat/ any form/intend of advertising/mentioning is not allowed. Please elaborate on why you deserve another chance, staff wouldn't ban without proof/witnessing. Please respond within 24 hours.