Member Name calofdoodi Minecraft Username calofdoodi Which server were you banned on? Survival Why were you banned from this server? Because electroduderocks hired people to report me after me and my friends kicked him out of our village he banned my friend 15lego and briandecreator as well. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? Because i believe none of us did anything wrong unless getting rid of a stalker is wrong
Staff doesn't ban on someone's word alone. We have to have proof of wrong-doing. Your ban says that you had an afk machine which is against the rules. Would you please explain that? You have 24 hours to convince us to allow you back on the server and tell us why you have an afk machine.
He told me to he told me to build a circle 3by3 and put two blocks in the middle and a sighn on 1 side
So you helped him build it. That's the basics to an afk pool, which are illegal. If you just tell me you realize it was wrong and won't do it again I'll unban you.