Member Name Buttercup247 Minecraft Username Buttercup247 Which server were you banned on? Global Why were you banned from this server? I advertised by saying "I'm going on Mineplex" Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I think I deserve another chance on this server because I didn't mean to advertise. At the time I truly wasn't thinking. I'll admit it, I am a sucky person and we all make mistakes. It was just a little slip up and I truly, deeply, didn't mean to advertise at all. AEM network is literally my favorite server I go on it everyday. I am Elite on Skyblock and skywars and I seriously would love to come back on. I didn't intend to tell anyone to go on there or to follow me to there I was just alerting my friends why I was leaving. I swear I will never advertise again and I will start thinking before I say anything that might contain other server's names or addresses. As soon as I saw I was banned my heart literally broke. (It wa s a long day of testing and I was ready to come play Skywars with my friends. ) I really hope whoever is reading this considers letting me back on because I need a second chance. I have never been banned from AEM before.
Hello @Buttercup247 Thank you for making a ban appeal. I see from your reason that you are truly sorry and want to come back on AEM. I will unban you from AEM. Enjoy the server