Member Name BUTTERanimals Minecraft Username BUTTERanimals Which server were you banned on? Creative Why were you banned from this server? I was actually banned on all servers, and I finally was able to get the time to view the photo of what I said. I was actually talking about having OptiFine on my PC and it couldn't handle the mod, plus could barely handle Minecraft in the first place. What I meant by what I had said was that my computer was so overwhelmed, it couldn't load the chunks fast enough to catch up so it just showed caves. They weren't ACTUAL hacks. As for the hahahaha part, I have no clue WHAT I was thinking when I said that... Thank you for taking the time to view this appeal, and I hope you consider having me back to play with you. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I believe that I deserve another chance on this server because I was a loyal player, and this server was (and still is) my favorite server by far. I just REALLY love all of it, and I very much pray that you will consider unbanning me. Once again, thank you for reading my appeal.
okay i want to see a copy of your versions folder and .minecraft folders within 24 hours i want to take a look please then we will go from there
type %appdata% into your search and hit enter you should see a .minecraft folder i need u to prt sc of it and take prt sc of the versions inside that aswell