Member Name bulldog38 Minecraft Username bulldog38 Which server were you banned on? Minigames Why were you banned from this server? I was banned for grief at 31-08-2014 by AlexM850 Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I was very disappointed that I was banned from this server. It was one of the best servers I played on. Now, I cannot get onto any games, I cannot even get onto the server. I am very sorry about griefing. I was banned long ago and have learned my lesson. I only grief because I was trying to be funny. If you unban me to all games like skywars, creative, ext. I will never grief again. I promise I have learned my lesson and this will never happen again. Thank you Bulldog38
Hello there @bulldog38 Breaking the rules is not to be taken lightly. Please explain why grief is not allowed and promise that things like this will not occur again. Do not break anymore rules for the fun of it or you may not be given another chance. Please respond within 24 hours .