Member Name Buildit12345 Minecraft Username Buildit12345 Which server were you banned on? Creative Why were you banned from this server? My brother was using my acount, and he was currently banned for spamming. he said in the chat that this was him not me and a mod (shadowpyrolily) banned my acount for ban evasion alt of bobafett Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I didnt really do anything wrong, and i only want to be unbanned from creative, i am ok with being banned from everything else
Anything that happens on your account is your responsibility, As i have seen you both moving at the same time i will give you another chance , please change your password so your brother cannot access this account respond within 24 hours to tell me your side and answer .
Ban appeal for creative server accepted please make sure in future that no one else has access to this account.