Member Name BSLAP4U Minecraft Username BSLAP4U Which server were you banned on? Zombies Why were you banned from this server? Because ur new Mod Thug something. Banned me for an inapropiate nickname,Disrespect/Player. My nick name was VirginSlapper. WHich every mod didnt care it was that. And he is new so he just following the rules stricly and i get that and appreciate that. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I deserve another chance on the server because i will change my nickname on the server. To something more appropiate for the little kids. As well i am the hoghest donor rank on there. And everyone knows me and likes me for the most part.
I'm not a new mod. I have been around for quite some time now. I'm willing to accept this appeal if you respond to this saying that you understand the rules we have in place and why they are there. Please respond within 24 hours.
I do accept them. I am sorry. I will make sure to change the nickname to something appropriate as soon as possible. THank you for this. I will not let it happen agian.