Member Name brownie9v Minecraft Username brownie9v Which server were you banned on? Survival Why were you banned from this server? Griefing. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I broke two enderchests of someones. They said they were leaving the server forever, so I broke them. If I were to get unbanned, I would know not to do this again.
These enderchests are in a shop, that has continued to be very active. I find it hard to believe you took them from a player who was leaving.
Sorry, ive been offline. i believe i took them from icecream_560 (or something close to that) who auctioned off everything and said they were never coming back on. I can replace the enderchests if you'd like?
No, you did not take them from a player. If someone told you that they were theirs, they were lying. You should know better than to take blocks from someone else @brownie9v . Rule 1 of towny is No stealing or griefing. Do you understand that this is bad and you won't do it again.