Member Name BroBot182 Minecraft Username BroBot182 Which server were you banned on? Survival Why were you banned from this server? I do not know why I was banned by an operator. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I deserve another chance on the server because my brother was on my account with out me knowing about it and he got banned. I did not know that he got banned until the next day when I tried to get on the server and it notified me and told me that I was kicked while trying to connect to the server because I was banned by an operator.
Hello there @BroBot182 Please explain why griefing is not allowed and how you can secure your account so that this will not happen again. Please also pass me the items your brother took to me so I can destroy it. Do take note, whatever happens in your account is your responsibility. Please respond within 24 hours.
Dear zRinne, Griefing is not allowed on AEM because this can effect other people's hard work, and many hours that they have been working on something. Also, if new comers hear that our server is a no-grief-server, then they will be welcomed and more enthusiastic about joining our server. Griefing can hurt somebody's feelings and that is not what AEM wants its players to do to each other. I have secured the situation by buying my brother a new Minecraft account so that he does not have to play on mine. He is now playing on his own computer and on his own account. So he has no reason to be on my computer and he has not been on my computer since the incident. I am sorry but I do not know what my brother took/griefed from the server. Once I get playing again I will return the items to you and make sure that this incident never happens again. Thank you! BroBot182
(P.S. I will give you everything in my inventory because I just got on and have not done anything else. So once you are available you can take everything in my inventory!)