Member Name Brennan Minecraft Username brenbren1 Which server were you banned on? Survival Why were you banned from this server? because i was swearing at mod Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? because one it is my favorite server two i tryed so many kit pvp servers and this is the best one
You were banned for griefing a player home, please explain that. Also do not disrespect staff and players as well. Staff are here to help players, we know what we are doing and are here to guide you. Please explain why is grief not allowed on survival ( Grief = Breaking blocks you did not place/placing stuff in places or builds you shouldn't ) And also explain once again, why you deserve another chance. Do you understand the consequences of these rules? Please respond within 24 hours @Brennan
ok I will not disrespect any more staff members and i know i shouldnt have been griefing a guys player home but i do understand rules i guess since i have to explain ill say: ok i want another chance because one it is my favorite server and because i will try to help server and ill try to donate and i am not swearing anymore so i think it will be ok if i join
Do you understand why grief is wrong? By griefing someone, you break their hard earn blocks and effort gathering them and time taken to build. if you understand this and promise not to do it again I will consider accepting this appeal.