Member Name BreezeLord Minecraft Username BreezeLord Which server were you banned on? KitPvP Why were you banned from this server? For using Kill Aura. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? Because It was stupid of me using hacks, it's not fair to the others who'd like to PvP. I really like this server and I would really like a second chance since it's an awesome server. I won't use hacks again, I will just PvP like the others.
@BreezeLord I appreciate your honesty and I am willing to accept your appeal but I need to be certain that you will not ever use hacks again in the future. Please answer the following questions within the next 24 hours: 1) What are 3 rules on KitPvP? 2) Why is hacking bad? 3) What have you learned?
1. 3 rules are; No advertising other server IP's, No spamming the chat box in anyway, do not ask staff for free items or ranks. 2. Hacking is just not fair for the others and it can get you in trouble. 3. I have learned that just PvP like the others and not use hacks, and that hacking can get you banned.