Member Name Brandon Molina Minecraft Username Bronze_Creeper76 Which server were you banned on? KitPvP Why were you banned from this server? kill aura Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? please give me on more chance and ill never use hacks again...
Since im in a pretty good mood today, I guess i'll give you a second chance. Remember, using a hacked client to gain a advantage over players won't help in the long run. You'll be caught, and permanently banned. Which is not too fun to go through. I'll be happy to unban you if you reply to my message saying that you understand all the rules, and will never break them again. Thanks for posting a ban appeal.
Thanks, I'll be glad to unban you from KitPVP. Remember, if you're caught using a hacked client again you'll be permanently banned with no appeal.
oh a cookie god may you tell me when im unbanned because i just went on and i was still in jail. sorry for bugging