Member Name Braiman23 Minecraft Username Brainman23 Which server were you banned on? Survival Why were you banned from this server? I was griefing and it was my third offence Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I love the server i come home every day do my homework and get on this server and have the funnest time every i promise i won't grief again
hello @Braiman23 you were indeed banned for griefing the third time. the first warning you were given on january 22 after that you were temp banned when another grief was found that occured after jan 22. on march 29 you were banned by me because you griefed again even though you should have known better. explain to me why you keep griefing even though you were warned and even temp banned before. also elaborate why griefing is bad and a bannable offense, why it is our #1 rule. please respond within 24h
Member Name Braiman23 Minecraft Username Brainman23 Which server were you banned on? Survival Why were you banned from this server? My Third offense griefing Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I love this server its was my first one ever getting due to my friend recomending it to me and i fell in love with it and its the best
sorry i got this late its past 24 hours i just wanted to tell you i didn't know i got temp-baned.That is why i kept griefing Also i was griefing due to wanting more/greed. Its bad and someone that does it should be banned because someone could have put hours/day/years of work on a building and in its destoyed i'm sorry about everything and please unban me
i will accept this appeal if you promise me to not grief again. also do /rules and /rules 2 again. when in doubt about a build you might find rather contact staff than just starting to dismantle it. @Braiman23