Member Name Austin Holmes Minecraft Username TexasTomato Which server were you banned on? KitPvP Why were you banned from this server? I was complaining about a bug were I was typed to void and died when I bought a good kit with in game money but died before I got a chance to use it. I then told an admin about it and asked him if he could /back me and to for proof which I have seen an other admin use in factions so I though they could do it to to see the bug. The admin didn't understand what I was try to say and after awhile he said fuck this and left. I expected he left so I asked if there was another admin on who new commands well and could help me. Then he said what a dick when I thought he was off. After this I was permanently banned from sever for staff disrespect. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? Ok yea I was mad because I lost stuff and was getting even frustrated when he couldn't do it. But I don't believe a permanent ban should be a consequence for staff disrespect when I never got a warning or anything. I would understand a temp ban or mute but I guess I'm no one to tell you how to run your sever. Kit pvp was the only main reason I play aem and vote would love to play it again. (The chat between me and the admin was around 5-8 Pacific time 9/13/14 feel free to look it over for proof.