Member Name Athenazeus Minecraft Username Zeusy_Is_Boss Which server were you banned on? SkyBlock Why were you banned from this server? Because my stupid brother had to lie about staff AGAIN! I told him if he does it again he's dead and he said he'll stop from now on cause I got a new account (also a password he doesn't know) so now it won't happen! I SWEAR! Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I promise that all this bull about staff will stop! I already stopped it! (Proof above)
How many final chances are you asking for? Previously you already said it would not happen again but soon after, you committed the same crime. This is not your first offence, you had our trust and you broke it. The saying: fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. You are currently put under "no appeal" however, I am willing to hear you out this once. If you fail to convince me or the other staff who are reading this, this appeal will be rejected. Now elaborate on why you deserve to be unbanned. Note that I don't care if it was you, your brother, friend or whoever used your account because it could be a lie or truth, we won't know however we do have our ways to find out if you are indeed lying. Lying in your appeal will Cause the appeal to be ignored, rejected. So please do think through thoroughly before responding. Please respond within 24 hour.
I am only asking for one final chance. I cross my heart it wont happen EVER again! I swear! Also, I changed my password for my new account and he doesn't know it, so he Wont be able to ever come back on 'my' account!