Member Name Athenazeus Minecraft Username athenazeus Which server were you banned on? Creative Why were you banned from this server? I messed up by personating an admin and lying about it ;( im sorry and I hope you forgive me but please unban me I promise and cross my heart I wont do it again D; Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I will watch whut I say and how I act
Getting caught is one thing but lying about it? It isn't right at all. At least have the guts to admit your wrong doings, lying is just going to make it worse. Please explain why impersonating staff isn't allowed, and why you shouldn't lie about it or anything when confronted. Will you follow all the rules from now on? Don't forget, this isn't your first ban. You may not be given another chance in the future so please, watch your behaviour. Please respond within 24 hours
Member Name Athenazeus Minecraft Username athenazeus Which server were you banned on? Creative Why were you banned from this server? I impersonated staff then lied about it and im sorry I was just tricking/playing around with my friends. ;( Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? Because I will NEVER EVER do such a thing like that again I PROMISE that I will behave from now on and I just PLEASE want One more chance on the server. Please.... D;
Yes I won't ever EVER do it again, I just was tricking my friends about it and when Jerekul questioned me about it.... I just didn't know what to say im very sorry I wont lie about stuff like that ever again ;(
Please forgive me I never wanted to lie about it or anything, I just didn't know what to say cause I was mad at myself ;(
I shouldn't have impersonated staff cause 1. it wasn't true 2. its rude cause it was a lie and 3. I could get in BIG trouble, but I promise I will watch my behavior from no on ;(