Member Name AshtonDoesMC2003 Minecraft Username AshtonDoesMC2003 Which server were you banned on? Survival Why were you banned from this server? i was being mean and disrepeacting the staff Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? because last night i was having a bad day and i was taking the blame on others i am sorry
Member Name AshtonDoesMC2003 Minecraft Username AshtonDoesMC2003 Which server were you banned on? Survival Why were you banned from this server? because was being mean to others and disrecting staff Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? because i was having a bad day and i was just out of my mind when i dont sleep so sorry
Member Name AshtonDoesMC2003 Minecraft Username AshtonDoesMC2003 Which server were you banned on? Minigames Why were you banned from this server? i was argueing with a staff Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? i was hvaing a bad day and i was tierd and when i am tierd i dont make sence
You were warned multiple times by an admin to stop doing what you were doing, as well as you were creating drama, arguing with said staff and disrespecting them slightly. As well when I dug your history up it shows you also broke rules on Creative... Not once, but twice. Griefing and killing players in the build world.
You can't take your anger out on people just because you're having a bad day. That goes for real life as well as in game. Step away from the game and take a breath or something if you're felling stressful. Please respond within 24 hours telling us that you understand our rules and will try to remain calm even when you're upset.
I'm going to add in: You were temp banned in survival for trying to kill a griefer then got mad and went on to skywars. Players there started coming to me telling me you were cursing at people. When I confronted you, you avoided me and went to skyblock making me chase you back and forth saying you do not want to talk to any Mods. Then you started twisting words and disrespecting, asking me to unban you when I repeatedly told you that you were only banned for 24 hours. You then tried to pin the blame on me and ignored everything I said when I tried to explain my actions.
Member Name AshtonDoesMC2003 Minecraft Username AshtonDoesMC2003 Which server were you banned on? Minigames Why were you banned from this server? i was disrespecting staff Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? because i was having a bad day and i was just being crazy cuz i did not get alot of sleep i am sorry