Member Name Ashley Minecraft Username Alpha_kins Which server were you banned on? SkyWars Why were you banned from this server? I was helping a friend Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I've apologized before. If you've read the ban appeal before than you would've saw. I have been polite on every appeal you just can't see it. Come meet me in person if you have to. I want my $5 back too
You weren't being nice. You were rude. You didn't apologize at all. You can't and won't get the $5 back due to the terms and conditions you agreed to upon donating.
I'm just going to put this in, if you decide to spam new appeals/forums in general. You will be forum banned.
@Ashley Please stop making appeals, you're not getting back onto the server and you will not be getting your donation back. Think about it this way. When people donate blood, you don't go back and ask for it to be returned to you.