Member Name alexbeav25 Minecraft Username alexbeav25 Which server were you banned on? SkyGrid Why were you banned from this server? I was benned from survival for griefing and having no remorce, I was also banned from skygrid for cussing, I was now banned from all of aem for causing problems SERVER WIDE I never caused problems on any of the other servers, you may keep me banned from skygrid and survival but I would really appreciate it if you unbanned me from everything else, If you catch me doing ONE more thing you ban me right away, please ONE more chance admins or owners please I would also like to apologize to the people I greifed, please, all I am asking is that you unban me from all of the server except for skygrid and survival, please, thank you Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? because I never did anything on the other aem servers
you are banned from skygrid for being disrespectful and griefing. you were banned by me from survival for ignoring me after catching you griefing and showing no remores at all (appeared as its just a big joke for you) you then continued being a pain by /msging me from the hub. telling me you dont actually care that you were banned. you then logged on to kitpvp continuing to /msg me and asking for being unbanned. you were banned for disrespect on 2 servers now and still didnt show any improvment in your attitude. asking for being unbanned / implying you dont actually care is enough for me to believe that you just wouldve continued on the other servers as well. if you can somehow convince me that you will not cause any trouble again i might consider unbanning you. on the other hand requesting an unban just on some of the servers shows me that you dont really regret what you did. a main part of filing a ban appeal is showing us that your attitude has improved, you regret / understand what you did wrong and to be hones i am kinda missing that with this appeal.
I do regret it, very much I was just not thinking at the moment of the incident, I will not do it again because I notice what it has come to, and I have spent so much time on the stuff and aem is just so fun please it will NEVER happen again trust me I do feel very bad for what I did please Gluupor I am very sorry for what I did earlier on survival jail, I should have shown more respect and remorse, my attitude has improved already and I am ready to come back, I truly am regretting and feeling bad for what I have done please just 1 more chance please
and once again I did not cause any trouble server wide and with the swearing on skygrid the last time it was my little bro but all the other times it was me so I shouldn't be banned from skygrid in my opinion im just, im sorry that I did WHAT I DID I just, im sorry
your account is your responsibilty. make sure your brother doesnt have access to your computer / minecraft account. if you promise to me to not be disrespectful again and not grief again i might consider accepting this appeal. also explain to me why being disrespectful is a bad thing and why griefing is not allowed on skygrid / survival.
I promise I will not be disrespectful to anybody on aem network ever again, and it is not allowed because people build things to enjoy the server and when people mess with it it makes the person think that aem staff members do not know how to control the players on their server, and now I notice how much of an effect it has on the server and its reputation, once again I am sorry for what I did and it will NEVER happen again
i will accept this appeal. read /rules again. when in doubt before doing anything ask staff or long term players if what you want to do might be not allowed. welcome back