Member Name AciDicTRYX Minecraft Username AciDicTRYX Which server were you banned on? Zombies Why were you banned from this server? So my friend CerviAssassino said in chat acidictryx hacks. Then from that moment on I was being asked to do stuff like take a screenshot of my versions folder. I did and sent it. It said it was modified to. He told me it was modified five minutes ago which it actually was but how would I modify it before he even accused me of changing it? Then after that I was banned off a false and fake prank sort of thing from my friend accusing me of hacks while we were in the same skype call. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I believe I deserve another because first off it was a joke and there was no evidence of me hacking. If he was smart he would have asked me to take screenshots of me playing or my esc. options or other things to look if I was hacking. Second it was a joke from my friend who thought it was funny. The part that made no sense to me was that I asked to see if he was a staff member because a God told me that he wasn't. So he kicked me and said I logged when he kicked me, because that made so much sense. Then he told me I left and if you have any chance to go back through a console or something you can see that I didn't. And the only reason this staff member started asking me questions and accusing me was because of my friend joking around. So before that no one in chat said anything to me.
Hello. First of all, you said prove that I am a staff member, so I did. I did not kick you on bad terms, I just kicked you because you asked and would not have given me the respect that I needed to check you for hacks. When I asked you for your files at about 6:45 PM, you sent me this . This shows that your versions folder was changed at 6:47PM. Please explain that? They do not automatically update when you open them, like you said it did. Please explain
Sorry, wasn't meaning to to come off on bad terms. And for me most likely for you to when I open minecraft it updates the version you launched with. I even tested this out and it did exactly with what was happening. So say 30 minutes ago and 9:10 I launched minecraft at 9:30 I went afk looked back at this and read. Then I logged out and looked at my versions. It said last modified 9:10 so I exit out of minecraft then relaunch when I look at the same version like the one I use 1.8 OptiFine it says last modified at 9:40 right when I just now launched it.
The versions files inside the .minecraft will update, that is correct (ex. optifine1.8). But, the actual versions folder in the .minecraft folder will not update. For example, lets say you add a file into versions, the versions file will be updated to that time. Lets say you use the optifine version 1.8 (you launch it etc), the versions folder will NOT update, but the optifine file in the versions folder will update.
Was their any in game proof that I was hacking or was it all just outside of the server and stuff that I honestly don't have to show you?
Well, honestly you do have to show me because I am staff and I asked you for files. Since it turns out that the files shown to me had a modification date that proves something was modified after the time of me asking you for your files, we have to assume that you deleted hacks.
You were accused of hacking. The only way that you are getting unbanned is if admit you were hacking and you will be charged with a waiting time before you are unbanned or 2. You give a real explanation for why your versions were changed. Although it seems silly that someone would just call you out like that, friend or not. Although I am not staff on zombies, and I couldnt just tp to you and instantly check you, this was the only way of checking.
So can I like talk to a staff member or someone on teamspeak or skype and have my friend in the call and in game and we can talk about it legitly? My friend even said afterward he was joking around.
No. There is nothing to talk about except for the fact that you are refusing to except the fact that the versions was modified. I will reject this appeal in 24 hours if you do not either 1. Admit there was hacks or 2. Explain a reason as to why the versions was modified.
For one I can say I own hacks. But for two I wasn't using them at all during the time. That's the only reason that it was modified and if you go back through my versions screenshot it shows which one I launched with when I got home from school.
It makes no difference if you were at home or school? Either way, I am assuming that you deleted the hacks that you had when you showed me your versions folder. Either way, it is going to be a long time before you are unbanned considering the fact that you to so long to finally come clean and say that you hack