Member Name AbbasAbbas Minecraft Username this ip is banned and the accounts on this ip don't work i tried my friends account and my brother account and it didn't work Which server were you banned on? from all servers they tell me you are not permitted to join Why were you banned from this server? i killed someone that is strong so they think that im hacker, they think that i heal my self, i got some pvp skills!!!!!! my score is +200 but that doesn't mean im noob, im new to server but not new to skywars. So they looked at my score and think that im noob and i got no skills and also it lags so much because my internet is slow Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? i think because all my friends are there and also its the best server (my favorite). And why i get banned for nothing its unfair so plz plz plz unban me and thx
@AbbasAbbas I don't see a ban on your account, can you tell me all of the names of all the accounts that play on your IP whether they are your alts or your friends accounts?
asian4life18 this day but thanks it works i will keep borrowing my frnds accounts till i get one for me (a stable one) and thx
and now wat why they ban me global ban wat did i did???? it was working for like 30min then it say global ban
You haven't really explained this situation...if you are banned on one account you're not allowed to be on with a different account. Are you saying you got banned on one of your accounts? What does your ban message say
So you're banned on both accounts? I'm sorry but these 4 word answers are not going to help me figure out what the issue is. I'm frustrated that you aren't just being up front with me. Players KNOW why they are banned and you aren't giving me any information...all I have right now is this: "well..maybe i am ip banned i guess its for hacking or maybe for lag im new to the server but not new to skywars i have low points but ive played before maybe im banned because im just good im banned for nothing my account name is asian4life18 im not banned im global banned now" How on earth am I supposed to follow any of that? You have one last chance to answer my questions: 1) List ALL of the accounts you have EVER played on with our server 2) Tell me WHY you are banned 3) Tell me WHY you should be unbanned If you took 5 minutes and stopped trying to ban evade maybe you would actually get unbanned.
im sorry for the other ban appeal 1)barefootnboy shadobaid masterjake1 MauiPlaysMc ryanmeaselis asain4life18...i dont remember other accounts sorry 2) i get banned because they thought that i heal myself so i get banned for hacking (using hack) 3)this server is my favorite, and all my friends are there, and i should be unbanned because i didnt hack its lag not hack and thx
Member Name AbbasAbbas Minecraft Username my ip banned cant join with any account Which server were you banned on? all servers Why were you banned from this server? sorry for this another ban appeal but no one is replying my ban appeal i just did this appeal as a message because no one is replying Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? plz plz plz replay the first ban appeal plz unban me and thx :')
Member Name AbbasAbbas Minecraft Username my ip banned cant join with any account Which server were you banned on? all servers Why were you banned from this server? sorry for this another ban appeal but no one is replying my ban appeal i just did this appeal as a message because no one is replying Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? plz plz plz replay the first ban appeal plz unban me and thx :') @AbbasAbbas Do NOT make multiple appeals, we will respond to you when we get a time.
Means we put your new appeal into this old one. Do not make multiple appeals. Wait for us to respond to this one, which may take up to a week.
a week lol i miss this server i get banned for no reason hope u unbann me as fast as u can and thx :')