Member Name AB_genius Minecraft Username AB_genius Which server were you banned on? Global Why were you banned from this server? I was banned for harrasment Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? Well I did not do anything like come on. This is what i had said to jerekul: can u unban me on zombies since there was no proof. There was absolutely no reason to ban me so I believe I should get another chance and I will stop annoying staff if thats how staff see it. I was not actually given a warning.
Yes Picaso and I did understand my fault and I was willing to stop and I did stop. I asked ZhiRongPro (The staff who banned me) to tell me what I had exactly said that got me banned and instead of replying to me he said to me to go ask some other Zombies Staff... although it was him who banned me. I had asked him again some time later and he said he was given evidence by 2 other staff, AiryBoat and Jerekul. Now when I asked Airy to tell me what I said he told me 1 thing I said which was no where near worth even a mute and said Jerkul had screenshots so go ask him. After being told to go to other staff I finally found Jerkul some time after my permanent ban on Zombies at Hub so I asked him to tell me what i said, he did not tell me but banned me. Now you tell me how exactly was this justice. Please take this into consideration. Thanks. And by the way this was my first ban for Harassment and I did not exactly harass Jerekul.
Member Name AB_genius Minecraft Username AB_genius Which server were you banned on? Global Why were you banned from this server? Harrasment Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I'm sorry for bothering you again but this time it is not to argue but to accept my mistake. A mistake, yes I have made many and definitely did not learn my lesson. But now i do understand, I think what it must of been like for those who were pestered by me. I do understand how the staff felt when they were repeatedly bothered because of me. I WILL make a change just one last chance and never again will you be annoyed.
I promise to all staff and members and players not to be a nuisance just please give me one last chance and if you ever see me do something slightly wrong then ban me immediately and I will not say anything. I'm putting a global ban, no appeal, on stake if I do something wrong, you have to take this into account. Please one last chance. I will accept any condition for my unban, any condition. Just one last chance.