Member Name AAThreat Minecraft Username JuanTheJanitor Which server were you banned on? Survival Why were you banned from this server? I "griefed" a structure that wasn't supposed to be constructed on/ destroyed Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I think I do because I didn't see a sign saying I couldn't mine there. Either way, I hope that you guys will forgive me. I didn't mean to break any rules and I really, really hope you guys will give me another chance and I promise that I will never break a rule on your server ever again. Thank you so much.
btw i would never mean to purposefully destroy a public structure; there was nothing saying that it was so we scavenged materials thinking it was fair game; also Creeperman_4321 and BlueSailing were with me so please unban them as well; none of us wanted to break any rules
@AAThreat I apologize for the time that has passed without a response. It is clearly stated in the rules when you begin on survival that there is NO GRIEFING allowed. You were negligent of the rules and as such you failed to follow them. Why should we allow you back onto the server if you just carelessly think you can do whatever you want? Especially with a complete lack respect for the server or it's community who work for long periods of time to make such things.