Member Name _Aurasphere_ Minecraft Username _Aurasphere_ Which server were you banned on? Survival Why were you banned from this server? I've been banned for griefing Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I think I deserve another chance because I didn't grief anybody... It probably was a either a mistake or I have misunderstanded a rule or I don't know... I just liked this server and I wanted to play on it... If I get another chance I'll do everything to fix the problem.
We have a tool that logs every block a player as placed/destroyed while they were on the server, so it couldn't of been us, especially since I just checked it. You remember a mansion, back around August 20th, that is made out of spruce, quartz, glowstone, and cobblestone? You did well over 1500 worth of damage there. And this wasn't your first found grief either, a few days before you were temp banned for a small 35 or so block grief.
Let me add in you also went around the town, hitting up some other places, and street lights. As for fixing it, staff has already fixed it all.
ill reject this one as well because you are obviously not interested in helping to solve this problem. please refrain from posting any further appeals.