Member Name 720llamasFTW Minecraft Username 720llamasFTW Which server were you banned on? SkyWars Why were you banned from this server? i said "hi" too many times then got kicked, then said it was bs then i said "i should be able to say hi when ever i want" then said hi in chat then BomberDude66 banned me. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? i donated $5 to the server and i dont think i should be banned for saying hi. and also there are many people that have been made staff that probably shouldnt be because they are too /ban happy and bomberdude is one of them. Thanks for reading this i hope i get unbanned.
Ok. 1) Donating does nothing to help your appeal. 2) Calling me bad staff for following protocol? Remember who is handling your appeal. ...BomberDude96 3) You had how many warnings for spamming and starting arguments in main chat? A lot. I don't want to hear another word from you since you think I should have never been made staff. Rejected. References:
i want someone else to look this over not you. of course your not gonna unban me, your the person who did
That's why I put those references there. Go ahead and click them and read up. I doubt you'll be unbanned anytime soon.
^ I'll just ban you from the forums. Not hard. I also want to point out that you were spamming for about 20-30 seconds straight too. You were told to stop by many players and Jeter.