Member Name 2002mikey Minecraft Username 2002mikey Which server were you banned on? SkyBlock Why were you banned from this server? Disrespect. PSi meant global ban. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I know it sounds pathetic and I know that nothing I say will change what I did, but please? You all know what I did, so do I. But I want to come back, this time more mature, and less of 'mikey'. It makes no sense at all really. I know its a straight up reject BUT WILL YOU PLEASE LISTEN. I don't mean to be disrespectful at all, i just want the staff to know i don't hate them at all. Also if you reject, reason pls? I miss AEM, and I'm not sure you know that, if the staff would give me my fifth and final chance i could never forget the person who had done that.
Hello @2002mikey , I would like you to tell me what "less of mikey" means exactly please. In the space of about a month you went from this: to this: During the first half of January you are posting about Bloody being cool staff, the fun you have on AEM, etc., then throughout the second half you call all staff "3 year olds" and proceed to disrespect both the server and all of its staff across the forums, something we do not tolerate. The Facts: Once banned from the server, you immediately jump back on the forums and post "Banned... Like I said 2 year old staff". Literally 11 minutes later you then post "Ive said goodbe, Ive also been pretty disrespectful". 50 minutes after that we get this: from you, one minute before you posted that you were "Banned because of expressing opinions and warning the owners". (Which was NOT why you were banned at all) The the next day we get a post about your "brother" and how he did everything that we saw from your account the previous day as well as an apology from you about what "he" said in our faction skype conversation. Along with your explanation and apology posts, you post saying goodbye on the forums and say this: "I'll never be unbanned, when I look back on the things ive done it actualy makes me ashamed.. im a complete disgrace". No mention of the "brother". A couple posts down, your "brother" is brought up again and blamed for everything yet again, where you also state: "he was right to express his feelings and if you think differently look at the comments after my quitting post". So you are agreeing and/or condoning everything he just did? Now skip forward to today, when we get your second ban appeal. In this appeal you say "You all know what I did, so do I" as well as "I don't mean to be disrespectful at all". Once again, there is no mention of your "brother" whom, only days ago, you blamed this entire thing on. So I will ask you: who are we talking to today? The excited, outgoing Mikey of last year? The "brother" whose every post dripped with disdain and disrespect for staff and AEM? Or the Mikey of the past week, who has dug himself a very deep grave lined with lies, disrespect, and changing stories? I honestly can not tell anymore nor am I sure that I even care to know. Tell me what, about any of that, would convince us to let you back on AEM?
meg, I mean the 'mikey' that's been calling staff 2 year olds. And you must understand that that 'mikey' has changed.
i only remain with a final request: Can i start over, a fresh page? No more of 'mikey'? If I cant be unbanned can you forgive me meg? I've got no exuse. If you don't accept my ban appeal then I am lost.
i am not Mikey who is a liar, i am not Mikey who is disrespectful. I want to be plain old Mikey who would log onto AEM and play for hours on end. I want to start over, but to become the Mikey i should've been all along. I'm looking back, is this realm how much I've changed? Pleas understand I've changed and I am a new person.
No way does this person deserve a 5th chance after all that mess. I don't care how much he's "changed"
@2002mikey We were all fairly certain there was never a "brother" but I appreciate you coming clean about it. Unfortunately, the things said and the level of disrespect were very severe and I don't think that you have changed so much in one week. I feel that maybe after you've had time to consider your actions and mature a bit more, we MAY consider letting you back on the server, but as of now, it's going to be a no. I am rejecting this ban appeal due to the continued and seriousness of the infraction.