Member Name 1Zephyr1 Minecraft Username 1Zephyr1 Which server were you banned on? Creative Why were you banned from this server? I was telling my friend a server name, and I got banned for doing it multiple times when other times were accidents. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I only did it once on purpose and I swear I would never advertise on purpose again, and I will respect all rules, like I did last time I was on.
Member Name 1Zephyr1 Minecraft Username Erios852 Which server were you banned on? Creative Why were you banned from this server? I ignored a staff member with /ignore and I did it because I was done talking with him, I didn't know we couldn't do that, also as soon as I unignored him, i was about to tell him then I got banned. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I didn't know that was a rule and I made so many friends and I miss them a lot also I will make sure to obey every rule and be careful of what I do and say just if I'm allowed back on the server.
This appeal for both 1zephyr1 and erios852? so you ban evaded with erios852 becasuse 1zephyr1 was banned for advertising? Just trying to get the story straight.