Member Name 16Awesomeadam16 Minecraft Username 16AwesomeAdam16 Which server were you banned on? SkyGrid Why were you banned from this server? I tried to connect to AEM(no certain server/game just the AEM server overall but it made me choose a server I was banned on above ^^^) And it said I was banned at 3:05 by zRinnie for advertising which I'm confused because I just tried to get on for the first time today at 4:58. Also, I had not been advertising on the server and never have before either. So I think it may have been a mistake. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I believe I deserve another chance because maybe it was just a simple mistake by a staff member.
There was a report on you advertising another server. Do you recall it, it was a few days ago. @16Awesomeadam16
I don't recall but I did get kicked at one point a few days ago for advertising, but all I was doing was announcing that I was buying donor kit items. Could that be the report you got?
Possibly, but we do have SS proof of it. Either way via message, global chat, sign, book, advertising is a huge rule to break. Mentioning server names is also considered an offence.
Oh, I'm sorry about that. Someone did ask if anyone knew about a hide n seek server and I messaged because I didn't think that was considered advertising and I also didn't think it was that bad because he was asking about a hide n seek server and since AEM didn't have one I thought it would be alright. Should I fill out another appeal? Sorry about that I guess I wasn't thinking :/
No worries. As I see it you do realize your mistake and are sorry for it. I'll be willing to unban you since it was this one time and I personally haven't seen/heard any bad things about you. As long as you agree to not advertise again
Advertising a server via private message, signs, pixel art and so on forth is still considered Advertising. Which would result in a global ban. If you can promise not to break anymore rules in any given server, I would consider accepting your appeal. Also, you were advertising in the main chat not private messaging, just wanted to make this clear in case. Do explain why Advertising is not allowed. Please respond within 24 hours. @16Awesomeadam16
Yes, I agree not to advertise again. I am sorry and I realize the mistake ive made. I know why you guys take advertising so seriously. Because by advertising other servers, It takes business and players away from AEM which they are the reason you are here. It will not happen again and I'm sorry for my mistake.
Oh and I just saw that HyperSniper reported me but I didn't post it in public chat I just wanted to let you know. I wouldn't do that. Someone asked if anyone knew of a hide and seek server and I messaged and said I did and they asked for the IP and I actually believe it was Hyper who asked but I don't remember completely. But I do admit to messaging the IP(AKA advertising) So my above comment stays the same I just wanted to clear up my defense statement.
I will accept this appeal, I have the proof of you advertising in chat, so please do not let it happen again. You may not get another chance if broken the rules the next time. Welcome back