Edit: Uploaded 14 first maps if anyone wanna check them out. http://www.speedyshare.com/dGfXw/14-Skywars-Maps.rar Hi, I was bored and thought why not try and make a map? I never made a map before, so feel free to leave feedback. It's a 4 player map, and I made it in a decent size I hope. I think on some maps the islands are way too spread out, so I made this a tiny bit smaller. About 14-17 blocks between islands. But perhaps it should be a bit more? Also made the middle island some levels higher than the starting islands, I think it would be more interesting to build just a bit higher to reach it.
Yeah you're right. Made some changes. Made it bigger, also so you spawn with only 1 chest on your island, and you have to build to get to the other one.
You could also add some ores sticking out on the outside b/c most maps have that but that is just an optional thing imo
Thanks! And there are iron ores on every island, I forgot to mention. There is a crafting table and a furnace as well under the grass, and ores in the small ponds. Ive also made the middle island a bit more 'interesting'.
New Map! 8 player map. Spawning islands: 2 Chests. 2 Iron Ores 1 Crafting Table 1 Furnace Some dirt blocks/jungle wood on floor in case your chests fails you. Middle Island: 5 Iron ores 4 chests 4 diamonds under the ceiling Feel free to leave feedback/come with ideas if you think something needs improvement
6 Player map Spawning islands: 1 Chests. 3 Iron Ores 1 Crafting Table 1 Furnace dirt blocks/acacia wood Middle Island: 4 chests
Hmm, I did think about it while making them. But then again, the starting islands are compact, but still rich of possibilities. There are 3 jungle wood blocks in the center of the starting island, giving you 12 pieces if you chop them. The main idea was to prevent people from camping their islands for too long. You think that would work, or should they still be bigger? I appreciate your feedback btw, thanks!
4 Player map. Quartz style Starting Islands: 1 Chest, and one tiny island next to it with another chest. (Sometimes on the regular 4 player quartz map you spawn with no blocks, so on this map you will be able to get another chance if that happens!) 1 Crafting table Middle Island: 4 chests.
8 Player map. Starting Island: 1 Chest 8 Spruce wood blocks and various dirt blocks 1 crafting table Middle Island: 4 chests.
Wooooow! Cool maps! You should make more! We need this maps. It looks nice. When map "Toybox" was new, (one of my favorite maps) i was happy there was a new one. Add more maps from @Axelusk I wanna play some new maps
Thanks for the comment @Syb ! I will probably just keep making for the funsies What maps do you enjoy most? 4 p, 6 p or 8 player maps? Anyways, heres a new one: 4 player map starting islands: 1 chest 1 craft table+furnace 4 iron ore, 2 coal ore, 1 diamond ore middle island has 3 floors, first 2 has 1 chest each, and top has 2 chests And a 8 player map (wanted to try something different on this one) Starting island: 1 chest 1 crafting table middle island, 4 chests.
cause im awesome @Syb ? ;-) Hehe 8 Player map! (enough for today now lel ) Updated the middle island and made some minor changes...