Feel free to pm me in game or leave a comment here if you need help building something you dont know List of things: Exp farms Obsidian generators Gold farm Iron golem farm (epic small chance of spawning a golem) Semi/fully automated farms etc etc. Requirements: Resources won't be provided, you gotta get them yourself before you want me to do it for you. Fee? $0 ples . ONLY ONE job at a time, first come first serve basis. Signed, Rinn
---- For replies. ---- Note: You can either post a reply here, or catch me in game or just /mail send zrinnn I'll respond once i see it.
Iron golems are not disabled, you just cant summon them manually and the chances of spawning a golem in an iron golem farm is pathetic, but it still spawns once in a blue moon.
Can you make me a Blaze Spawner xp farm, I will provide you with everything you need /mail send Super__Morris17 thanks