My friend (liverbreath2000) has been wearing the armour I gave her since I gave it to her. I am planning to give her diamond armour because of it, and I'll likely give it some enchantments. Anyone have any ideas for good armour enchantments? And if anyone is selling any books for armour enchantments (can't be too high) I'll buy some.
I can give u extreme armor for free ^_^ which comes with protec 4 and unbreak 3 Or ultimate idk u decide lol
Really?! You would do that? I would prefer extreme, but whatever is fine. But I'll feel bad taking it for free so I'll give you the rest of my money. (Which isn't a lot, sorry!)
Protection is good but I already knew that so I was wondering if there were anymore that should of been added. Hehe.
Yeah! And it's okay with the money, I only have $350 to be honest, so it's not like I am wasting a lot. Hehe. My twin holds all the money for me and my friend (for the team) and we get a little money to bid. I can waste it. (Small fact ^)
She doesn't really mine that deep where it hits lava, and she's been playing Minecraft enough to know how to not fall in Lava easily. So I don't really see it that needed. But she does get caught on fire sometimes--