Guys be patient and enjoy what you have now, if Alex is haveing internet problems again, then we have a long time before the reset will happen. So play on and enjoy what we have and take frequent pics to remember what you built.
But the server was not ready yet. How would you like it if the reset it now, and in a month, and a month after that? I want them to reset the server when they are READY! I do not want to have any problems and have to deal with glitches, like what made me leave for close to a year.
I think that they should give us Something to work with! It's a lot more comfortable for me to know when the reset is.
Their going in order, first skyblock, then survival, skygrid will come any time now. Plus it takes a lot to update it and fixing the bugs, I'm sure their working on it right now or will start working on it as soon as possible.
Very true. Alex has finally been able to start helping with the updates. We can hope that updating won't be so hard for the workers.