I know this is kitpvp and skyblock and survival gets players but serioulsy factions and kit pvp get no one and people are saying that it is growing.
What's the point of coming to the forums complaining about the lack of players? That's really encouraging to new players...
Because the admins/owners are the ones that deal with advertisements and stuff And usually the admins are on forums not the server as much
Please stop complaining about what you think the problems are. Try to do something to get more people. Tell a friend. Don't complain on the forums
Again someone that doesn't understand the issue first of all you probably didn't see my thread yesterday about ideas to get more people to join the server so I am doing something to get people to join 2nd I do tell friends and the reason they end up not playing is because there is no one to kill/play with cause there is like 2 other people on.
vote advertise your self man ur a member you want it to grow so advertise like all of us get it to grow
and people o grow up that was like a year ago i seen a lot of peolpe on the i quit now im back it happens man
The server is growing and I don't know what time u took this but it must have been at a time that no one is really on. The server is growing and factions does get a lot of people on as well just like survival. Kitpvp isn't that popular but if u played at a different time when people come on there will be quite a lot of people on kitpvp.
Yeah I know there was 1000 players... The server is growing again, stop making a thread like this and just do your best to help it grow even more.
So, I do understand, and I did see your other forum post, but do something about it. Don't whine to others about things that you don't like. There's clearly many people content and see growth. If it isn't to your standards, fine, but the owners are doing their best to make this an amazing server, even though they are both very busy with things in their lives, just be patient. It will grow back to the numbers we saw before and I think even higher than they were. Just be patient