1. NO I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT ANYONE BANS 2. I AM TALKING ABOUT SEEING HOW SOME PEOPLE WERE BANNED 3. The suggestion I am making is... Maybe people should add a reason to why they BAN a player and not just leave it at "global ban" or "You are not permitted to this server". This will make it easier for the player TRUST me this should be obvious..
I have never been banned myself, but yes, this would be great and stop all the spam on the forums saying,"Why was I banned? I did nothing..." That gets quite annoying sometimes.
I have seen a LOT of people getting banned without reasons... 2 of them being Sniper199 and Silenthazard (I think that is his name)
It can depend on how the player was banned, if they are banned from a single server, the reason does not usually come up in chat. If they are gbanned/banned from lobbies it does, all the players need to do is file a ban appeal if they think they have a possibility of being banned. Staff can instantly go look at their history and tell them what they have going on, and accept there appeal (if the follow the circumstances of being accepted.)
If you go to the bottom of forms there is a ban list now, I would also like to see that in place as soon as they log in and yes if you ban someone there should be a reason given.