So I have created a virtual machine which I can use to loggin and play with a secondary account I also own. Is it legal to use this virtual machine to mine while I do other things on my main account. I know if I wanted to use scripting, legally I would have to be able to respond in a "reasonable" amount of time. I would be watching both accounts for /msg in case anybody wanted to talk to me. I use RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) to be able to play mc, as controlling mc from the VM is nearly impossible.
How would I know if it could be kicked? Or are you making the point, since my second account can be kicked it is legal?
Let's say you leave both accounts on, and leave the computer for (I think it's set to) 15 mins, and you did nothing to either of them, mining and fishing does not apply to this rule due to it will kick you for it even then, both accounts should be kicked off the server, if they are avoiding it in anyway shape/form then it'll be counted as an AFK machine. Just make sure the script/coding does not allow them to avoid the autokicker.
Apparently I lost connection before my previous post was sent... So since I would be doing any movement on both my primary and secondary account this would be legal? But I would have to move my secondary account around a little to avoid be kicked by the AFK, but I have to do this myself. Did I miss anything? Thx for letting me beat a dead horse.
If you actually do it yourself, it's legal. Just as long as it is not automatically doing it for you then I see no problem in it.
Wait so I can set up an automatic fishing machine or something on skyblock while like doing a crappy homework sheet or something and look up at the chat every few seconds?
Like I said, as long as whatever you're doing does not prevent you from being kicked via afk kicker then you should be good. IE: AFK pools and the such
Technically what i am doing is not afk mining. I was making sure what I was doing was not afk mining, hence I made this thread. If you read you will find out that as long as you are doing everything yourself then it is not illegal. I am behind the screen watching the views of both accounts and controlling any movements. The only thing i am not controlling is the clicking, but using RDP it will hold down the mouse so that my secondary account continues to mine. But to avoid the AFK kicker I have to move my secondary account. So if you are fishing your self then it is ok, but if you walk away and use anything to hinder the AFK kicker then that is illegal. Using RDP and and VMware player I cannot think of a way to make an AFK fishing farm. If I am correct you could use a script to fish for you, but if the script moved you, that would be illegal as that would hinder the AFK kicker. @Pip Xanadu if I understand everything correctly then that last sentence is correct. Please tell me if i am wrong? Or should I shut up and stop giving people ways to bend the rules?
That would be correct, at least in my books @FlintonSteel Some staff might say other wise, but check with them before hand to be double sure on the matter at hand.
What Pip said, as long as you are able to be kicked by the AFK timer on Skygrid of 30 mins, it is legal.