Here is what Alex wrote under general discussion This is how to apply: You need at least 10 forum post (Replies are counted) Go to Staff Application at the top of the page Fill in and submit. Simple as that, Please do not post your application on the forums here follow these easy steps. Also please DO NOT spam 10 forums posts/replies just for the sake of applying, like useless posts ;-; (We will check) then again, I hope you enjoy and best of luck. EDIT: If you can't apply it just means you do not meet the requirements above, not that the staff application is down. Asking for a staff to read your applications is a Rejection. You may or may not be notified by staff whether they've read your applications or not. ADD IN: Mods have to be either 18 years old or up. Helpers have to be either 15/16 years old or up.
Ok threatened I wanted to be a mod I guess I have to wait 2 years but helper is fine I can manage its still something so yay