Sadly, I have no proof, cause my screenshot button NEVER works while I'm typing. This will be scrapped because of that, I understand. But I came to Kit after awhile, and they were doing this parkour thing where the winner gets 3k plus a few gods. I was like; "Why not go for it?" Well, players were accusing of the staff who was on (Volkrot, StraightUp, nick_godoy) because they were potentially knocking people off. Their excuse was "You can't hit people when in /v" which is NOT true. Why would they be in /v in the first place? Bascially they spammed it in Broadcast and I simply said "No, thats a lie" "The staff is bullshitting" the moment after I said that i was muted for 35 minutes. Bullshit or not?
You called staff out multiple times for things we didn't do. I am 100% positive nick_godoy told you to stop making false accusations, and you went on. None of us ever hit a player trying to complete the parkour, and for you to call us out about it, it was inappropriate.
Its not like I called you a bitch. What I'm trying to state is that you CAN hit people in /v, and unless you have something special in the coding that you can't hit someone, its a lie. Someone then proceeded to spam on the Broadcast (which is against the rules to spam) I then proceeded to state what i think about this problem, as I've seen plenty of people fall off from paranormal activity. Now, then i was muted for 35 minutes stating that opinion. Wha? And also, nick said to stop accusing HIM of stuff, not any one else.
? didn't see. There were many trolls in the first place But either it was extreme lag or I'm getting hit off by something, and PvP was off at the time. idk then.
First of all what server was this on? And second in most parkour areas PvP is turned off right?And also why were you attacking people in the first place.I'm not trying to be a hater just saying.
Survey says! Staff says to stop you stop I banned a few people for doing what I said not to. Java dude if you don't like what staff does talk to someone personally. Just saying staff sucks is going to get you stuck disrespecting staff and such :/ without valid proof, screen shots, videos and things of that nature it's just your word against anothers
I never said staff sucks. AEM probably has the best staff on any server i played. And kiro, i don't really understand half of what your saying. Could you just clarify your sentences if you can for me?
First sentence example. You don't like what I do on survival, talk to pyrolily who is also staff on survival. It'll get further that way. The rest of the paragraph examples. If you see a staff member abusing power, like say I'm abusing my tphere ability just because I can. Screen shot me abusing the power. And teleporting people to me randomly because its fun and such
Could you not double post, it makes you look noobish. And also it pisses me off that you double posted the same quote.