"Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow" I set out to build a city where the answer is an definite yes. At /warp anunexpectedfly I extend my hand to all those with creative minds willing to collaborate and thrive. To join, you can either set up a shop FOR FREE, in one of the areas currently uninhabited by anybody. OR you can build your own building, thus extending the city. Either of which, you must let me know beforehand. If you choose the 2nd option, I will even supply sponges for you to borrow! (I'm just that good of a person). Rules *Follow global rules *Any buildings constructed must connect to at least one other *Your building must be alight *No commies ( for the sake of lore, I really couldn't care less about your political disposition) *NO TOWNY *No goblins (They're scary, I don't like them)
By the commies thing, I want a capitalist society. Just like the city of Rapture from the video game. And since Capitalism is the opposite of Communism, it only makes sense for the sake of lore.