The scene is set in a old mans house, his name a John. His three grandchildren are there with him. John: Gather around children Child 3: Okay Grandpapa. Child 1: John tell us a scary story! Child 2 : Yea! John: Okay children, once upon a time on a deep and scary night, a certain Minecraft server promised to reset its server, but little to the players knowledge, it would never happen. As the players were waiting, the staff would laugh at them, and watch their misery. Eventually the players waited soo long, that the server ran out of funding and died, all while the staff still laughed at the players misery. Child 3: Oh no! Such a horror! Child 1: Who would do such a thing?! Child 2: I like turtles. John: Nobody knows, they go by fake names like "@EthanM850" and "@AlexM850" when we all think they are secretly Call of Duty supporters, here to watch us burn.
What're you talking about? Were you not aware i didn't have internet for 4 months and was moving from friend to friends house while working and saving up enough money to get my own place & get internet so i could? Pretty sure staff made that clear to pretty much everyone.
I did, and I love you bby I was just being a troll I also meant NO offense by this, none at all. I respect you and your choices
No offense taken, but i would've thought you would have been aware of my situation. I do apologize dearly for it, though.