Well 1.8 has came, and it's all up to y'all of whats gonna happen, meaning what are YOU wanting to build, do, and play? Comment some ideas below to help fellow skygriders come up with some AWESOME things .
Yasss.... bunny spawners Sheep gives meat yum yum yum... and those freaking doors and fences gotta love 'em
Well considering you can change any spawner I'd say yes. Also, I love the armor stands, and especially the slime blocks
I do not know about spawners or anything of 1.8 that will actually be implanted into Skygrid.. I am just curious of what kind of marvelous contraptions and buildings y'all are planning.. Have y'all ever watched a youtube video or watched someone play mine craft and was like WOW... I just learned a neat trick... I think we all should learn a neat trick for Skygrid's upcoming features
You cannot change spawners to ANY KIND... I would think Bunnies would be a spawner, but not positive.. Guardians on the other hand are a hostile mob, and few hostile mobs are allowed to be changed by regular players. We'll see won't we ?
I'm soo exited when it opens! Exept I'm as unpatient as my dog on my profile pic combined with chocolate XD